WordPress Maintenance

WordPress website security is important. SCM offers WordPress support for small business to enterprise websites. SCM services include Updated WordPress, Plugins and Themes. We are here to safely update your WordPress core, plugins, and themes. We also backup your WordPress website on a schedule that works for you. Our team is always available for any questions or concern you may have.

Here are the types of tasks that can be considered part of ongoing WordPress maintenance (courtesy of codeinwp.com)

  • Updates: WordPress core updates, plugin updates, theme updates. This is a key element of all WordPress maintenance efforts, as not updating is one of the main reasons why websites get hacked.
  • Backups: database and files. And also making sure that the backups that you have do work. It’s actually reported that around 76 percent of WordPress users don’t use any backup plugin, so it’s not like backing up is common knowledge.
  • Security: scans, malware checks, security monitoring in general.
  • Uptime monitoring.
  • Performance optimization: making sure that the site works fast.
  • Comment spam handling.
  • Server-related maintenance: everything you’d normally do in cPanel.
  • SEO: taking care of your site’s internal structure to make it easier to rank.
  • Solving other miscellaneous issues as they come.